Sarah Bush Lincoln Growth
SBL Willow Breeze Hospice House
Caring for a loved one at the end of their life can be difficult both physically and emotionally. Sarah Bush Lincoln has plans to help those who are struggling by building a Hospice House on its main campus. It will offer a peaceful home-like residence where terminally ill people can receive short-term hospice care.
A hospice house is ideal for patients and families who prefer that deaths occur outside of a hospital, nursing home or personal residence. Staff provides intensive pain management as needed, while also enabling patients and families to spend as much time together as they would like, without the noise and activity that’s common in other settings. A Hospice House also provides respite care when primary at-home caregivers need a break from caring for terminally ill loved ones.
SBL Critical Care Expansion
Construction has begun at Sarah Bush Lincoln that will add 20 new beds to expand Critical Care Unit (CCU) to 14 larger rooms and create a Step Down Care unit adjacent to the CCU.
The Illinois Health Facilities and Services Review Board (IHFSRB) approved the project that expands SBL’s Critical Care Unit and the adjacent Step-down Unit adding 20 new beds in total. A step-down unit is where patients receive care when they are not ill enough to be in the CCU, but they are not well enough to be on a traditional medical-surgical unit.
The project includes the renovation of 21,500-square-feet of space on the north side of the Health Center and 37,389 square feet of new construction. Along with the expansion of the CCU and Step-down Unit, the project provides space on the ground floor to enlarge the Lumpkin Education Center to include a Multidisciplinary Training Center to be used by Lake Land College, Eastern Illinois University and the SBL Health Occupations program. Materials Management will benefit from an expanded storage room.
The 58,000-square-foot and $30 million project will take about 18 months to complete.